Enables you to utilize the crucial information that drives today's business decisions Movex Financial Management enables you to access and utilize the crucial information that drives today's business decisions. You are able to capture, analyze and simulate critical trends based on your unique business goals and requirements. Advanced functionality handles all aspects of financial accounting, budgeting, reporting, consolidation and transaction processing with the appropriate internal control. By improving control and visibility of your financial processes, on all levels, Financial Management helps save costs, eliminate redundancies, streamline activities and allow redeployment of assets to more profitable activities. The solution supports international, cross-company, multi-currency and multi-lingual needs, and its highly configurable structure can easily be tailored to meet local, national, regional and global business models. State-of-the-art e-business capability allows you to automate processes and seamlessly integrate e-initiatives throughout your entire organization. A flexible structure enables smooth change as your business models and needs develop. Financial Management provides the tools, processes and techniques for handling customer order and procurement cycles.