e-Partner Relationship Management

Provides convenience through online purchasing capability

e-Partner Relationship Management (e-PRM) transforms the purchasing process from a labor- and paperwork-intensive process into a self-service application. In addition to reducing administration costs, e-PRM improves order-tracking accuracy, better enforces purchasing policies, provides superior supplier service, reduces inventories and empowers more leverage when negotiating exclusive or volume discount contracts.

e-PRM supports business to business purchasing and includes procurement functionality for production, distribution, maintenance, repair and overhaul.

Business opportunities provided by eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and intelligent agents in e-PRM are enormous. XML allows the seamless transfer of data between applications in an inter-enterprise supply chain. Intelligent agents, on behalf of the purchaser, can negotiate with suppliers, locate the supplier with the lowest price, find the supplier with the shortest delivery time or search for a product with specific quality requirements.

Movex e-PRM Component Groups

  • MRO Procurement
  • Strategic Procurement
  • e-Marketplace Integration

Movex e-Business Applications

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