Business Performance Measurement

Transforms the ever-increasing flow of data generated by Movex and other systems into competitive information

Rapid access to the right information is crucial for thriving in the complex and turbulent environment of the 21st century. A good measurement system is key to any competitive management system. Performance measurements are important for many reasons:

  • Effective business planning and follow-up
  • Improving business processes
  • Motivating individuals and teams
  • Organizational learning
  • Improved decision-making
Trends and business characteristics, such as process orientation, supply chain collaboration, customer relationship management and e-business, drive the renewal of an organization's performance measurement system.

From a business performance measurement point of view, the intensive use of information technology and information systems is a great opportunity. Every day, an organization's system creates countless data bytes that describe aspects of its business and produce information about customers, products, processes and personnel. This gold mine is typically not used in the company. Movex BPM is focused on transforming the ever-increasing flow of data that Movex and other systems generate into competitive information. The full potential of Movex is realized as the data it generates becomes useful for making tactical and strategic decisions.

The applications in Movex BPM include the Movex Business Performance Warehouse, predefined performance measurement models, and graphic tools for analyzing and acting on business information.

Movex BPM Applications

Business Measurement Models enable customers to quickly reap the full benefits of their Movex investment.

Business Analysis Applications help decision-makers analyze, visualize and distribute business information.

Business Performance Warehouse provides decision makers with critical business information by extracting and consolidating information from dispersed systems.

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